Site Levels


What are site levels?

Site levels are the bare minimum you’ll require to competently prepare a building design on a site. We suggest you get these before you put pen to paper (or mouse to mouse pad). It can save a lot of horsing around later.

Why you may need site levels done?

This process is ideal for a new site or a site that is to be cleared of all buildings for a new development. They allow you to anticipate the height of a building relative to ground levels and recession planes and are also handy if there is a minimum floor level set by Council. They are also useful if you want to drain stormwater to the road boundary.

How we help

We suggest you get these before you put pen to paper (or mouse to mouse pad). It can save a lot of horsing around later. We do these in terms of Council datum so they can set a minimum floor level if required. We also use our GNSS (fancy GPS) for these. And we always leave a site Benchmark nearby so you can relate these to something (always handy).

Need to book one of our surveyors for site levels?


Not what you wanted?

Try one of these instead

Building location cert

Shows the exact location and level of the relevant buildings and other structures on a particular property relative to the property boundaries.

Topo survey

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